Garden Magic
1.5”x24”x30”: $395+tax
.75”x 16”x20”: $195+tax
Cat’s Picnic
1.5”x30”x40”: $615+tax
.75”x15”x20”: $185+tax
This" I See With My Mind/ That I See With My Eyes
.75”x30”x24”: $365+tax
.75”x20”x16”: $195+tax
1.5”x18”x36”: $365+ tax
.75”x12”x24”: $180+ tax
Dog’s Breakfast
.75”x22”x28”: $320+tax
.75”x11”x14”: $120+tax
Keep Your Friends Close and Your Anemones Closer
.75”x24”x30”: $365+tax
.75”x16”x20”: $195+tax
Under the Surface
1.5”x30”x40”: $615+tax
.75”x15”x20”: $185+tax
Jam Cat
.75”x16”x20”: $195+ tax
.75”x12”X15”: $130+ tax
Classic Rock in Spring
.75”x18”x24”: $245+ tax
.75”x12”x16”: $135+ tax
Bread Cat
.75”x16”x20”: $195+ tax
.75”x12”X15”: $130+ tax
The Island
1.5”x40”x30”: $615+tax
.75”x20”x15”: $185+tax
Summer’s End
.75”x20”x24”: $260+tax
.75”x15”x18”: $170+ tax